Granny's Comet
"Granny’s Comet" is a mesmerizing painting that depicts the otherworldly journey of a celestial object. A combination of white, viridian, and ultramarine ethereal shading creates a dreamy atmosphere that seems to transport the viewer to a different realm altogether. The texture of the painting is rich and varied, with delicate brushstrokes adding depth and complexity to the artwork. The overall effect is one of serenity and wonder, as if the viewer is witnessing a cosmic event unfolding before their very eyes.
All Prices in USD
Mixed Media on Canvas
30” x 24”
"Granny’s Comet" is a mesmerizing painting that depicts the otherworldly journey of a celestial object. A combination of white, viridian, and ultramarine ethereal shading creates a dreamy atmosphere that seems to transport the viewer to a different realm altogether. The texture of the painting is rich and varied, with delicate brushstrokes adding depth and complexity to the artwork. The overall effect is one of serenity and wonder, as if the viewer is witnessing a cosmic event unfolding before their very eyes.
All Prices in USD
Mixed Media on Canvas
30” x 24”
"Granny’s Comet" is a mesmerizing painting that depicts the otherworldly journey of a celestial object. A combination of white, viridian, and ultramarine ethereal shading creates a dreamy atmosphere that seems to transport the viewer to a different realm altogether. The texture of the painting is rich and varied, with delicate brushstrokes adding depth and complexity to the artwork. The overall effect is one of serenity and wonder, as if the viewer is witnessing a cosmic event unfolding before their very eyes.
All Prices in USD
Mixed Media on Canvas
30” x 24”